Welcome to our blog

Welcome to our blog. During the coming year we travel (backpack) around the world and will try to regularly post some updates on our whereabouts on this page.

Montag, 24. Januar 2011

A short stay in Bangalore

The busride to Bangalore was  not that bad, important is to 'switch-off' and pretend everything is normal.
Maybe we are getting used Asian busses...

Anyway, we arrived in the big city and were ready to check out the sights. Just driving and walking around is  quite a happening already. Everyone makes his living somehow, there is so much to see:

The other thing we knew about, but had never really experienced: India's HOLY COWS.  They are everywhere. On the footpath:

And laying around in the middle on loads of trash...
So sad, but what can we do, not much. The people find is NORMAL!

On the positive side, a wildlife park close to the city rescues wild animals which are/were used as tourist attractions.

We visited some temples, too bad the pics are not so good...  

and found the holy cow inside one of them.


OK, time to move on, another nightbus will bring us to Goa, the 'Mallorca' or India. 

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