We had a fantastic time.
We traveled 65 Days in Canada, we drove some 12'000 km coast to coast, from Halifax to Vancouver (without getting lost much Georg!)
We met many great people, enjoyed the great sceneries, learned a lot about Canada.
We avoided driving at night as much as possible, moose and elk on the road are a real problem.
Since Robin was small he constantly finds money on the street. Just under CAD 2.00 he found the last 2 months :-)
Oma joined us on the trip and here, during the night it is not only time to say goodbye to Canada, but also to oma, who traveled back to Holland the day before we left Canada.
Canada was great. But now it is time to go to Japan! Stories follow soon.
Hey !
AntwortenLöschenVous etes particulierement jolis sur la derniere photo !!! ^^
Vous en avez une encore plus en contre jour ?? lol