Welcome to our blog

Welcome to our blog. During the coming year we travel (backpack) around the world and will try to regularly post some updates on our whereabouts on this page.

Freitag, 9. Juli 2010

Whale Watching

Loads of whales and dolphins can be found around the coast of Cape Breton. Pilot whales and minke whales are the most common. But humpback whales, fin whales, sei whales as well as dolphins are regular visitors between approx May and October as well.

Whale watching is fun to do. You never know what you will see. The ocean is not a zoo...
We saw the pilot and minke whales on the trip we took. Condor and Nova Scotia tourism sponsored 500 tickets to promote the flights from Germany to Halifax. Cool deal!

We checked out the provider before we took the trip, and hope YOU will do the same if you - some time in the future - decide to take a whale watch trip. Guarantee that you DON'T take a provider who chases down the animals and almost runs into them. Zodiacs are known for that and businesses who work for profit only. Whale watching is exciting but the ocean is THEIR space. Go with the 'green' guys... the biologists and those who want to save the environment and the animals.

We had a great 2.5 hours on a 30 person boat. A very nice trip.

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